IP transit

Whatever your are wholesale carrier, cloud services provider or content delivery network operator,
Inteltel IP Transit Services cover high performance Internet connectivity, latency, packet loss, and maximum Jitter


Monitoring and Support

We have a state-of-the-art Global Network Operations Center (NOC); our design team of engineers can help operate, support and answer your calls around the clock, 365 days a year. Our highly experienced Network Security Team (NST) constantly monitors our network and defends it from attack. So if you have any problems at all, get in touch by phone or email, or through our Global Customer Portal

Service Level Agreement

100% availability, full network operations witch a Global IP Network Service Level Agreement for IP Transit that covers Availability, Latency, Packet Loss, and Average and Maximum Jitter

Global Tier1

Peering relationships are key component of our Tier1 global strategy with other Tier-1 providers, simplifying costly time exchange traffic, settlement free and ensure a unified view based on business design models

Why choose us?

The core of the Inteltel IP network is a mesh of multiple 100 Gigabit (Gbps) circuits, connecting Inteltel network nodes, peering POPs and Partners Data Centers nationwide. The Inteltel IP backbone runs across different partners intercity fiber facilities, supported by terabit-capable core routing platforms and high-capacity peering interconnections. Inteltel offers Dedicated Internet Access (DIA) and IP Transit customer’s enhanced Internet connectivity and 25 regional carrier-neutral facilities to ensure maximum geographic coverage.

We help modernize network efficient
and use of allocated IP space

  • RIR policies promote conservation and ensure reliability and performance needed to run and use stockpiling of IP space.
  • We provide the port or LAG order ID for connected allocation.
  • IP requests sent to Inteltel Support may take up to 24 hours for /24 and smaller requests.
  • IP requests may take longer for IP blocks larger than a /24.
  • We provide the port or LAG order ID for connected allocation.
    Inteltel subscribes to and supports the ARIN allocations guidelines set forth in RFC 7020.
    Inteltel provide IP space is non-portable. Customers disconnecting from Inteltel Will be asked to return the Inteltel IP addresses that have been assigned.

Global IP Backbone up to 320 + POPs in 35 countries

Our carrier services operations, delivers maximum end-to-end MPLS IP- VNP business solution for Wholesales, we’ve added strategic options that offers a wide variety of service location, including over 1332 carrier data centers around the world, connects office building in North America and allow carriers to use proven, cost-effective solutions for network growth, management and security required supporting the most demanding CDNs, IPSs, and content providers.

  • Extensive domestic footprint U.S. residential broadband footprint
  • Tier 1 provider in the U.S.
  • 100% availability full network operations,100GB fiber-optic backbones with multiple terabits of capacity
  • Fully converged, self-healing network supporting voice, video, and Internet traffic
  • Peering and interconnect relationships with all Tier 1 providers and global broadband networks

IPv4 & IPv6

  • Dual stack IPv4 & IPv6 network build on carrier-class routing and enterprise-class infrastructures that offer a scalable computing environment ensure the reliability and performance needed to run your business Internet connection

Port Speeds

Gigabit Ethernet 100 Mbps – 1Gbps
10 Gigabit Ethernet 500 Mbps - 10 Gbps
100 Gigabit Ethernet 10 Gbps - 100 Gbps

A wide variety of interfaces to fit your intended need
Advanced IP Transit allows organization leverage data to improve global experience and build more personalization features.

Flat or burst billing IPv6 ready
Multiple BGP sessions Blackhole server
Primary / Secondary DNS Link Aggregation
IPv4 addresses

BGP Business-Class Uptime Guarantee

Our global approach offer BGP network stability, support, strengthen the security and guarantees routers can makes routing decisions based on paths, rules or network policies as well as the configuration ability by Inteltel network administrator

BGP Community

We offer advanced BGP community systems that guarantees routers can quickly adapt to send packets through another reconnection if one Internet path goes down. We help make decisions regarding routes and what actions to take in cases when BGP ROV implementation has not been performed or has indicated that an advertised route is invalid

BGP v4 & BGP v6 Routing Protocol

Our carrier services operations, delivers maximum end-to-end MPLS IP- VNP business solution for Wholesales, we’ve added strategic options that offers a wide variety of service location, including over 1332 carrier data centers around the world, connects office building in North America and allow carriers to use proven, cost-effective solutions for network growth, management and security required supporting the most demanding CDNs, IPSs, and content providers.

  • Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is supported as a standard routing protocol
  • BGP Community Strings is Supported specific for transit service only
More Options
  • Link Aggregation (LAG)
  • IPv4 & IPv6 (native) dual stack –Primary & Secondary DNS
  • BGP v4 & BGP v6 routing is designed to minimize number of prefixes in IGP, aid scalability and rapid convergence, ensure connectivity, traffic performance, and backbone routing and network statistics to Inteltel’s customers.

Service locations

We operate PoPs in the major international data centers in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Poland, Italy, Switzerland, the UK and the USA.Download our PoP locations

Direct Connections to Inteltel Network

Deliver superior business value Contact us to learn more.

Data Centers

See how you can Colocate your business critical servers within one of our 54 data centers Contact us to learn more.

Data Centers

Connect to the Inteltel network in over 1,383 CNDCs worldwide Contact us to learn more.

Related services


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IP Allocations

AInteltel subscribes to and supports the ARIN allocations guidelines set forth in RFC 7020.
We provide the port or LAG order ID for connected allocation.

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Security Anti DDos Protection

A unified threat management appliance associated with network security

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Global Peering

Peering traffic exchange to multiple localized interconnection points within a single Inteltel Global footprint. A worldwide connectivity platform to exchange Internet connectivity, support digital transformation by following cloud principles

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IP Interconnect

Global network interconnection increase confidence, trust, engagement and secure access to all your internal and cloud-based resources

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    Why choose Inteltel?

    The Inteltel Rational approach to modernizing and leveraging existing core system applications is based on project strategies

    • Improve Productivity
    • Intelligent Network Platform
    • Market & Experience
    • Improve Customer Relationships